API Reference

Application programming interface of geonum.

Specifying locations on Earth

class geonum.geopoint.GeoPoint(latitude=0, longitude=0, altitude=None, name=None, topo_access_mode=None, topo_path=None, topo_data=None, auto_topo_access=False)[source]

The Geopoint object represents a location in the atmosphere

This object is in 3D and includes altitude information.


altitude in m




uncertainty in altitude




directory that is used to search for local topography if topodata is requested. Irrelevant for default topo



  • latitude (float, optional) – latitude of point (decimal degrees), defaults to 0.

  • longitude (float, optional) – longitude of point (decimal degrees), defaults to 0.

  • altitude (float, optional) – elevation of point in m, defaults to 0.

  • name (str, optional) – name (ID) of this point, defaults to undefined

  • topo_access_mode (str, optional) – string specifying the current access mode for topographic data (in v1, choose between srtm or etopo1), defaults to None, in which case default of TopoDataAccess is used if topographic data is accessed via this point (e.g. if auto_topo_access is True). As of v1.4.X, default access mode is srtm, which uses SRTM database, which does not have full global coverage!

  • topo_path (str, optional) – local path where local topography data is stored (at the moment only relevant for topo_mode etopo1), defaults to None.

  • topo_data (TopoData, optional) – existing topographic dataset that can be assigned to this point (can save time, e.g. for altitude access)

  • auto_topo_access (bool) – if True, try set altitude`and :attr:`altitude_err based on local topography (note that defa)

property longitude: float

Longitude coordinate in decimal degrees

property latitude: float

Latitude coordinate in decimal degrees

offset(azimuth, dist_hor, dist_vert=0.0, ellipse=None, **kwargs) GeoPoint[source]

Returns new GeoPoint at offset position

  • azimuth (float) – azimuth direction angle (in decimal degrees, e.g. 90 for E direction, -90 or 270 for west)

  • dist_hor (float) – horizontal offset to this point in km

  • dist_vert (float) – vertical offset to this point in m (positive if point is higher, negative, if it is lower)

  • ellipse (float) – geodetic system (ellipsoid), default is “WGS84”, i.e. World Geodetic System

  • **kwargs – additional keyword arguments passed to init of new GeoPoint object


new location at offset position

Return type:



Assign topographic data to this point

If input is valid, the topographic data set will be stored in class attribute topo_data.


topo_data (TopoData) – topography dataset

range_borders(*points, extend_fac=0.1)[source]

Get geographical borders (lower left, top right) of this point

Additional points can be included as non keyword arguments. The range borders are then determined under consideration of all specified points. If no additional points are specified, the range corners will be set corresponding to 1km diagonal distance to this point.

  • *points – additional GeoPoint objects to be considered

  • extend_fac (float) – domain extension factor wrt to lat / lon span covered by input points, defaults to 0.1 (ca 10% extension)


  • GeoPoint – lower left corner of regime

  • GeoPoint – top right corner of regime

get_topo_data(geo_point=None, azimuth=None, dist_hor=None, lon1=None, lat1=None)[source]

Retrieve topographic data grid spanned by this and another point

The second coordinate can be specified in several different ways dependent on which of the input arguments are used. First checks if the currently loaded topo data (self.topo_data) covers the range spanned by the 2 points. If this is the case, the loaded data will be used and nothing reloaded. If not, data will attempted to be loaded from the current TopoDataAccess object within the lon lat range covered by the 2 points (set using range_borders())


The following input combinations work (and are preferentially processed in the specified order if multiple input is given):

  1. specify endpoint using geo_point

  2. specify endpoint using azimuth and dist_hor

  3. specify endpoint using lon1 and lat1

  • geo_point (GeoPoint) – another geo_point,topo data will be retrieved between this point and destination point

  • azimuth (float) – azimuth angle of heading in decimal degrees (to be used with dist_hor)

  • dist_hor (float) – horizontal distance from this point in km (to be used with azimuth)

  • lon1 (float) – longitude of destination point, topo data will be retrieved between this point and destination point (to be used with lat1)

  • lat1 (float) – latitude of destination point, topo data will be retrieved between this point and destination point (to be used with lon1)


  • TopoData – topographic data object.

  • GeoPoint – the second coordinate which deterimes the domain wrt to this location.

check_topo(lat1=None, lon1=None)[source]

Check if topography is available between this point and another

  • lat1 (float) – latitude of end point, if None, only the coordinates of this object will be considered

  • lon1 (float) – longitude of end point, if None, only the coordinates of this object will be considered


True if topo data is loaded, False if not

Return type:


get_elevation_profile(geo_point=None, azimuth=None, dist_hor=None, lon1=None, lat1=None, resolution=5.0, **mapping_opts)[source]

Estimates the elevation profile for a given viewing direction

The profile is retrieved up to a given distance from the coordinate of this point. For input possibilities see docs of get_topo_data().


The following input combinations work (and are preferentially processed in the specified list order if multiple input is given):

  1. specify endpoint using geo_point

  2. specify endpoint using azimuth and dist_hor

  3. specify endpoint using lon1 and lat1

  • geo_point (GeoPoint) – end location of elevation profile (if this is provided, the following other input options to determine the end point will be ignored).

  • azimuth (float) – azimuth angle (direction) of elevation profile in decimal degrees (to be used with input arg dist_hor)

  • dist_hor (float) – horizontal distance from this point in km (to be used with azimuth)

  • lon1 (float) – longitude of destination point, topo data will be retrieved between this point and destination point (to be used with lat1)

  • lat1 (float) – latitude of destination point, topo data will be retrieved between this point and destination point (to be used with lon1)

  • resolution (float) – desired topo grid resolution in m. 1D interpolation of the elevation profile is performed if applicable.


the profile object

Return type:



Set altitude using topographic terrain height at lat / lon position

The estimation is done by retrieving a 2x2 grid of topography data enclosing this point. The altitude value is estimated using the topo data tile closest to the coordinates of this point. The uncertainty is estimated conservatively using min/max difference of data in the 2x2 grid.


  • float – altitude

  • float – uncertainty in altitude value

plot_2d(map, add_name=False, dist_text=0.5, angle_text=-45, **kwargs)[source]

Plot this point into existing 2D basemap

  • map (basemap) – Basemap object (drawn in an Axes3D object)

  • add_name (bool) – add the name of this GeoPoint in the map

  • dist_text (float) – distance of text annotation from point

  • angle_text (float) – angle of text displacement

  • **kwargs – additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib plot function

plot_3d(map, add_name=False, dz_text=0.0, **kwargs)[source]

Plot this point into existing 3D basemap


Basemap object (drawn in an Axes3D object)


add the name of this GeoPoint in the map


altitude offset of text (to point location in map)


additional keyword arguments passed to matplotlib plot function.


Object type identifier



Return type:


static from_LatLon(coord)[source]

Connecting the dots

class geonum.geovector3d.GeoVector3D(dx=None, dy=None, dz=None, azimuth=None, dist_hor=None, elevation=None, anchor=None, name=None)[source]

A 3-dimensional geo vector object

3D vector representation for geodesic connections and arithmetics of locations (geonum.GeoPoint).


To create an instnace of GeoVector3D use one of the following to input combinations:

  1. dx, dy, dz

  2. dz, azimuth, dist_hor

  3. azimuth, dist_hor, elevation

Multiple input combinations will be processed in the preferred order as given in the list.


Horitontal displacement components dx (longitude) and dy (latitude) are in units of km, while vertical displacement component dz (altitude) is in units of m.


longitudinal component in units of km




latitudinal component in units of km




altitude component in units of m




name of vector



  • dx (float, optional) – longitudinal component in units of km

  • dy (float, optional) – latitudinal component in units of km

  • dz (float, optional) – altitude component in units of m

  • azimuth (float, optional) – azimuth orientation angle in units of decimal degrees, relative to North direction.

  • dist_hor (float, optional) – horizontal displacement length in input azimuth direction.

  • elevation (float, optional) – elevation angle in decimal degrees (0 corresponds to horizon, 90 to zenith)

  • anchor (GeoPoint, optional) – anchor point of this vector.

  • name (str, optional) – name of vector, defaults to “undefined”.


>>> from geonum import GeoPoint, GeoVector3D
>>> p = GeoPoint(latitude=10.0, longitude=15.0, name="random_point")
>>> v = GeoVector3D(dx=15, dy=100, dz=300) #dx, dy in km, dz in m
>>> new_point = p + v # GeoPoint object
>>> print(new_point)
GeoPoint undefined
Lat: 10.904041412793307,  Lon: 15.137202747069097, Alt: 300 m
property dz_km: float

dz converted to units of km

E.g. used for internal arithmetics.

property azimuth: float

Horizontal orientation angle relative to North direction

property elevation: float

Elevation angle in decimal degrees relative to horizon

property polar_angle: float

Polar angle in decimal degrees relative to zenith

property magnitude: float

Magnitude of vector (length) in units of km

property norm: float

Norm of vector, wrapper for magnitude()

property dist_hor: float

Horizontal distance spanned by this vector

property anchor: GeoPoint

Anchor point of vector


Set anchor of this vector


geo_point (GeoPoint) – anchor location.


TypeError – if input point is not instance of GeoPoint.

intersect_hor(other) GeoVector3D[source]

Find horizontal intersection of this vector with another vector


Only works if anchor point (anchor) is set in both vectors.


other (GeoVector3D) – Other vector for which the intersection is to be determined.


AttributeError – if anchor is not set in this vector or input vector


New vector pointing in direction of this vector but with correct horizontal magnitude to the intersection with the other vector.

Return type:


plot(map, add_anchor=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot this vector into existing basemap

type() str[source]

Returns object type

Working with geographical domains

class geonum.geosetup.GeoSetup(points=None, vectors=None, lat_ll=None, lon_ll=None, lat_tr=None, lon_tr=None, id=None, topo_access_mode=None, local_topo_path=None, cmap_vecs=None, init_borders=True)[source]

The GeoSetup class represents a collection of GeoPoints and vectors


name of this setup




contains GeoPoint objects assigned to this setup




contains GeoVector3D objects assigned to this setup



  • points (list) – list of GeoPoint objects to be included in this setup

  • vectors (list) – list of GeoVector3D objects to be included in this setup

  • lat_ll (float, optional) – lower left latitude of regime

  • lon_ll (float, optional) – lower left longitude of regime

  • lat_tr (float, optional) – top right latitude of regime

  • lon_tr (float, optional) – top right longitude of regime

  • id (str) – identification string of this setup

  • topo_access_mode (str) – topo data mode, default is SRTM (see TopoDataAccess for details)

  • local_topo_path (str) – local path were topography data (e.g. ETOPO1 data) is stored

  • cmap_vecs (str) – String specifying a valid matplotlib colormap supposed to be used for drawing GeoVector3D objects into overview maps

  • init_borders (bool) – Whether or not lower left (ll) and top right (tr) border points are supposed to be created.

property ll: GeoPoint

Lower left coordinate of domain

property tr: GeoPoint

Top right coordinate of domain

property lon_ll: float

Longitude in decimal degrees of lower left coordinate of domain

property lat_ll: float

Latitude in decimal degrees of lower left coordinate of domain

property lon_tr: float

Longitude in decimal degrees of top right coordinate of domain

property lat_tr: float

Latitude in decimal degrees of top right coordinate of domain

property delta_lon: float

Longitude range of domain (in decimal degrees)

property delta_lat: float

Latitude range of domain (in decimal degrees)

property borders_set: bool

Boolean specifying whether domain borders are set or not

property center_coordinates: tuple

Lat / Lon coordinates of center of domain

property magnitude

Returns dimension (in km) of area covered by this setup

property topo_access

Topography data access class

property cmap_vecs

Default colormap used for drawing vectors


Determine whether any points are set in this GeoSetup


True if one or more GeoPoints are registered, else False

Return type:



Check whether topographic data is assigned or not


True, if topo data is available, else not

Return type:



Sets local path for Etopo1 data files can be found


The default topo mode is “srtm” which provides online access, so it is not mandatory to provide topography data locally. However, the SRTM model has no global coverage, so there might be need to use another of the provided topo modes and provide the respective files locally.


p (str) – new search path for topography data

change_topo_mode(new_mode=None, local_path=None)[source]

Change the current mode for topography data access

  • new_mode (str) – new topo access mode, default to “srtm”

  • local_path (str, optional) – if not None and valid, update local topo access

get_topo() TopoData[source]

Get current topo data


Load topography data


The loaded TopoData object will also be set in all GeoPoint objects belonging to this setup


topo_access_mode (str, optional) – topo dataset that is supposed to be used. If None, then topo_access_mode is used.


topographic data (is also assigned to topo_data).

Return type:



Checks if point with input name exists


name (str) – name of GeoPoint to be checked


Whether or not point exists

Return type:



Checks if vector with input name exists


name (str) – name of vector


whether or not such a vector with input name exists

Return type:


contains_coordinate(lat, lon)[source]

Check if input coordinate is within domain of this GeoSetup

  • lat (float) – latitude of coordinate

  • lon (float) – longitude of coordinate

Return type:


add_geo_point(pt, assert_in_domain=True, overwrite_existing=False) None[source]

Add a GeoPoint to this collection

  • pt (GeoPoint) – point to be added

  • assert_in_domain (bool) – if True, a check is performed whether the input point is within domain or not (does not apply if input point is “ll” or “tr”, that is, one of the points defining the domain itself). Defaults to True.

  • overwrite_existing (bool) – if True and a point with the same name already exists in this setup, then the existing point will be overwritten with input point, else an exception is raises. Defaults to False.

  • OutOfDomain – if paramerter assert_in_domain is True and input point is not within current domain.

  • ValueError – if parameter overwrite_existing is False and a point with the input n name already exists in this setup.

Return type:


add_geo_points(*pts, assert_in_domain=False) None[source]

Add multiple GeoPoints to the collection

  • *pts – points to add

  • assert_in_domain (bool) – if True, check assert that each point is within domain

Return type:


add_geo_vector(vec, overwrite_existing=True) None[source]

Add GeoVector3D to this collection

  • vec (GeoVector3D) – vector to be added

  • overwrite_existing (bool) – If True and if vector with same name already exists, the former one


ValueError – if input is not GeoVector3D

add_geo_vectors(*vecs) None[source]

Add multiple GeoVector3D objects to the collection


*vecs – Instances of GeoVector3D to be added

delete_geo_point(name) None[source]

Remove one of the geo points from the collection


name (str) – name of the point


ValueError – if no point with with input name exists in this setup

Return type:



Remove one of the vectors from the collection


name (str) – name of the vector


ValueError – if no vector with with input name exists in this setup

Return type:


new_geo_point(*args, **kwargs) None[source]

Create new geo_point and add to collection

Create GeoPoint using input args and kwargs and then parse that GeoPoint to add_geo_point().

  • *args – input args passed to init function of GeoPoint

  • **kwargs – input keyword args passed to init function of GeoPoint

Return type:


set_borders_from_points(extend_km=1, to_square=True) None[source]

Set lower left (ll) and top right (tr) corners of domain

The domain is inferred from all points associated with this setup.

  • extend_km (float) – extend range from the outermost points by this number in km

  • to_square (bool) – extend the shorter base side to the size of the longer one ( quadratic range)


AttributeError – if no points are available in the setup.

points_close(p, radius=None)[source]

Find all GeoPoints within a certain radius around input point

The search is performed against all points defined in this GeoSetup.

  • p (GeoPoint) – location for which the search is performed

  • radius (float, optional) – radius (in km) specifying considered range around point (is set to 10% of the magnitude of this setup if unspecified)


names of all points that are in vicinity around input point

Return type:


static create_test_setup() GeoSetup[source]

Initiate example test data set


example setup

Return type:


create_map(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Basemap object for this regime

plot_2d(draw_all_points=True, draw_all_vectors=True, draw_topo=True, draw_coastline=True, draw_mapscale=True, draw_legend=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]

To be updated

plot_3d(draw_all_points=True, draw_all_vectors=True, cmap_topo='Oranges', contour_color='#708090', contour_lw=0.2, contour_antialiased=True, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a 3D overview map of the current setup

  • draw_all_points (bool) – if True, all current GeoPoint objects are plotted, defaults to True

  • draw_all_vectors (bool) – if True, all current GeoVector3D objects are plotted, defaults to True

  • cmap (str) – string ID of the colormap used to plot the topographic data, defaults to “Oranges”

  • contour_color (str) – string specifying color of contour lines colors of contour lines (default: “#708090”)

  • contour_lw – width of drawn contour lines, defaults to 0.5, use 0 if you do not want contour lines inserted

  • contour_antialiased (bool) – apply antialiasing to surface plot of topography, defaults to False

  • *args – additional non-keyword parameters (passed to basemap)

  • **kwargs

    additional keyword parameters (passed to basemap)


plotted 3D basemap

Return type:


Computing elevation profiles

class geonum.elevationprofile.ElevationProfile(observer, endpoint, topo_data=None, calc_on_init=True, **kwargs)[source]

Class for calculating elevation profiles

This class can be used to compute elevation profiles for arbitrary locations on earth. This is done by using topographic data which is provided (instance of geonum.TopoData). Profiles are computed with respect to input location (observer) and the azimuthal direction of the profile is specified via the provided endpoint location ( endpoint).

The profile is calculated between the two GeoPoint objects using a provided topographic data grid which must cover the range spanned by both points.


For class attributes see properties below.

  • observer (GeoPoint) – start point of profile

  • endpoint (GeoPoint) – end point of profile

  • topo_data (TopoData) – topographic dataset

  • calc_on_init (bool, optional) – if True, then the profile is calculated on class inialisation. Default is True.

  • **kwargs – additional keyword args passed to det_profile() (only relevant if calc_on_init is True)


>>> # define start and end location of profile
>>> startpoint = GeoPoint(37.73122, 15.1129, name="Scientist")
>>> endpoint = GeoPoint(37.751005, 14.993435, name="Etna Summit")
>>> # Create profile retrieval engine
>>> ep = ElevationProfile(observer=startpoint, endpoint=endpoint)
>>> # Retrieve profile (uses default topographic data SRTM)
>>> altitudes = ep.det_profile(interpolate=False)
>>> # Print retrieved altitude levels along profile
>>> print(altitudes)
property observer: GeoPoint

Start coordinate of elevation profile

property endpoint: GeoPoint

End coordinate of elevation profile

property topo_data: TopoData

Topographic data used to extract elevation profile


Attempts automatic retrieval of topographic data if the data is not set.

property line: LineOnGrid

Connection line between observer and endpoint


private attribute that cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes observer, endpoint and topo_data.

property observer_topogrid: GeoPoint

Location of endpoint on topogrid (depends on topo resolution)


Cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes observer and topo_data.

property endpoint_topogrid: GeoPoint

Location of endpoint on topogrid (depends on topo resolution)


Cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes endpoint and topo_data.

property dist_hor: float

Horizontal distance in km between start and endpoint

property azimuth: float

Azimuth angle of profile (wrt to North direction)

property profile: ndarray

Retrieved altitude levels in m along line


AttributeError – if profile has not been calculated yet

property dists: ndarray

Distances from observer in km along line


AttributeError – if profile has not been calculated yet

property resolution: float

Horizontal profile resolution (averaged from distance array)


Only works if profile was already determined

property gradient: ndarray

Gradient of profile at each point

property slope: ndarray

Slope of profile at each point

The slope is calculated for each profile point by dividing the associated altitude step by the corresponding horitontal step.

property min: float

Minimum altitude in elevation profile

property max: float

Maximum altitude in elevation profile

property alt_range: float

Altitude range of profile


Get slope angles of profile (in each sample point)


decimal_degrees (bool) – if True, angles are converted from radians to degrees


slope angles at each profile point

Return type:



Get slope angle of profile at input distance from observer


dist (float) – distance from observer in km for which slope is to be retrieved


retrieved slope at input distance.

Return type:


det_profile(interpolate=True, resolution=5.0, itp_type='linear', **mapping_opts)[source]

Determine the elevation profile

Searches the closest tiles in the topo data grid for both observer and endpoint and based on these two points the elevation profile is extracted using a LineOnGrid object (which extracts altitudes from the topo data along the connection vector of the 2 points using 2D spline intepolation)

  • interpolate (bool) – if True, the profile is interpolated to a certain horizontal resolution

  • resolution (float) – desired grid resolution in m for interpolation. Interpolation is performed if interpolate is True and if the actual resolution of the topo data is smaller than input, else, nothing is done

  • itp_type (str) – interpolation type (e.g. “linear”, “cubic”)

  • **mapping_opts – additional keyword arguments that are passed to LineOnGrid.get_line_profile()


the array containing the retrieved altitude levels along the retrieval direction (from the observer)

Return type:


get_altitudes_view_dir(elev_angle, view_above_topo_m=0)[source]

Get vector containing altitudes for a viewing direction

The viewing direction is specified by the azimuth angle of the connection vector between observer and endpoint, the elevation angle needs to be specified via the input parameters, and the start point (first elevation value) corresponds to the altitude at the observer position plus an offset in m which can be specified.

  • elev_angle (float) – elevation angle of viewing direction

  • view_above_topo_m (float) – altitude offset of start point in m, defaults to 0.


vector with altitude values (same length as self.profile)

Return type:


get_first_intersection(elev_angle, view_above_topo_m=1.5, min_dist=None, local_tolerance=3, max_diff=None, plot=False)[source]

Finds first intersection of a viewing direction with topography

Start point of the viewing vector is the observer position (or more accurately, the center position of the closest topography tile in the topography data set). The relative altitude of the start point with respect to the topography altitude at the observer position can be controlled on input (arg view_above_topo_m) as well as the elevation angle of the viewing direction. The azimuth angle corresponds to the profile azimuth (i.e. azimuth between observer and endpoint of this profile).

The signal analysed for finding the intersection is a vector containing relative elevation positions of the viewing direction with respect to the profile altitude:

diff_signal = self.get_altitudes_view_dir - self.profile

The first intersection of the viewing direction with the topography is identified by the first zero crossing of this diff_signal.

  • elev_angle (float) – elevation angle of viewing direction (in decimal degrees)

  • view_above_topo_m (float) – altitude offset in m relative to altitude of start point ( observer) in m. Defaults to 1.5 m.

  • min_dist (float) – minimum distance (in km) of first considered intersection with topography from observer. If None, use 1% of distance between observer and endpoint.

  • local_tolerance (int) – tolerance factor to estimate distance uncertainty based on topo grid resolution. Defaults to 3.

  • max_diff (float, optional) – maximum allowed altitude difference in m between vector specifying viewing direction and the topography. Default to None, in which case the value assigned to resolution x 1000.

  • plot (bool) – If true, the profile is plotted, including the intersection result.


  • float – retrieved horizontal distance of intersection point.

  • float – error of retrieved horizontal distance of intersection point.

  • GeoPoint – location of intersect

  • np.ndarray – elevations along viewing direction vector arising from input elevation and altitude offset as well as the azimuth of the profile

  • Axes or None – matplotlib axes instance if input arg plot is True, else None.

find_horizon_elev(elev_start=0.0, elev_stop=60.0, step_deg=0.1, **kwargs)[source]

Find first elevation angle which does not intersect with topo

Scans towards zenith elevation within input elevation range in elevation steps provided via input arg step_deg, starting at elev_start. For each elevation, an attempt is made to find an intersection of the resulting viewing direction vector with the local topography using get_first_intersection(). The horizon elevation is identified as the first elevation angle for which no intersection can be found.

  • elev_start (float) – start search elevation angle

  • elev_stop (float) – stop search elevation angle

  • step_deg (float) – angle step for search (coarser is faster)

  • **kwargs – additional keyword agruments passed to get_first_intersection()


IntersectNotFound – if no intersection with topography can be found for input elevation range.


  • float – detected elevation angle of horizon

  • list – list of elevation angles for which intersections with topography could be identified.

  • list – corresponding horizontal distances of observer to the terrain features.


Get altitude at a certain distance from observer


dist (float) – horizontal distance from observer along profile


altitude at input distance.

Return type:


plot(ax=None, facecolor=None, alpha=0.2)[source]

Plot the elevation profile :param ax: matplotlib axes object to be used for plot :type ax: Axes, optional :param facecolor: color of profile, defaults to “#994d00” (light beige) :type facecolor: str, optional :param alpha: opaqueness of profile, defaults to 0.20. :type alpha: float, optional


matplotlib axes instance used for plot

Return type:


Further tools

Line on grid

class geonum.lineongrid.LineOnGrid(x0, y0, x1, y1, name=None)[source]

A class representing a line on a discrete grid


start location [x0, y0]




stop location [x1, y1]



  • x0 (int) – start x coordinate

  • y0 (int) – start y coordinate

  • x1 (int) – end x coordinate

  • y1 (int) – end y coordinate

  • name (int) – string for identification (optional)


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from geonum import LineOnGrid
>>> data = np.ones((10,15)) * np.arange(15)
>>> line = LineOnGrid(2,2,5,5)
>>> profile = line.get_line_profile(data)
>>> print(profile)
[2.         2.74392912 3.50304939 4.24920976 5.        ]
property profile_coords: numpy.ndarray

(y,x) profile coordinates

property normal_vector: tuple

Normal vector of line (x, y)

property length: int

Determine the length in units of grid indices


The length is rounded to integer precision.

get_line_profile(array, **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve line profile of data on a 2D array

Uses method scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates()


The spline interpolation will fail if there are NaNs in the input data. In this case, try using order=1 as additional input argument or use prefilter=False. For details see here


1D array containing the values along the line profile coordinates

Return type:


plot_line_on_grid(array, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot this line on an input array using imshow

  • array (numpy.ndarray) – the data array to which this line is mapped

  • ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional) – axes object

  • **kwargs – additional keyword arguments for imshow


axes instance used for plotting

Return type:


plot_line_profile(array, ax=None)[source]

Plot profile of line in input data array


axes instance used for plotting

Return type:



High level plot function, calls:

and puts them next to each other in a subplot


array (numpy.ndarray) – 2D data array to which this line is mapped


figure instance containing the plots.

Return type:


Topographic data

Access to topographic data

Access and handling of topographic data

class geonum.topodataaccess.TopoDataAccess(mode=None, local_path=None)[source]

Factory class for accessing topographic data

This is a high-level factory class which handles the access of topography data. Registered topographic datasets can be found in REGISTERED

Default access mode is SRTM (topographic dataset from NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission).


>>> acc = TopoDataAccess(mode='srtm')
>>> topo_data = acc.get_data(lat0=5, lon0=30, lat1=15, lon1=40)


For developers: the registered access classes (such as SRTMAccess) should be based on (or follow the API of) template base class TopoAccessBase.


current access mode (string specifying which topographic dataset is supposed to be used for access).




local path to etopo data (only relevant for etopo1 mode)



  • mode (str) – one of the supported data access types (cf. keys of REGISTERED)

  • local_path (str) – local path to etopo data (only relevant for etopo1 mode)

REGISTERED = {'etopo1': <class 'geonum.topoaccessbase.Etopo1Access'>, 'srtm': <class 'geonum.topoaccessbase.SRTMAccess'>}

supported access modes (topographic datasets)

property modes

List of supported topographic datasets

property supported

List of supported datasets (wrapper for modes)

get_data(lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None, mode=None, local_path=None, check_allnan=True, **access_opts)[source]

Retrieve data from topography file

  • lat0 (float) – start longitude for data extraction

  • lon0 (float) – start latitude for data extraction

  • lat1 (float) – stop longitude for data extraction (default: None). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.

  • lon1 (float) – stop latitude for data extraction (default: None). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted

  • mode (str, optional) – mode specifying the topographic dataset that is supposed to be used

  • local_path (str, optional) – local path where topography data is stored (can be dictionary or filepath, is passed to corresponding access class and handled as implemented there)

  • check_allnan (bool) – if True and all retrieved values are NaN, then an error is thrown

  • **access_opts – additional access options that may be specific for the mode specified (e.g. search_database in case of etopo1)


object containing the data

Return type:



TopoAccessError – if access fails

Topographic data class

class geonum.topodata.TopoData(lats, lons, data, data_id=None, repl_nan_minval=False)[source]

Data class for topography data

This object represents topographic data in a certain latitude and longitude range, specified by the corner coordinates of the range (lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1). It may be used for 2D and 3D plotting of the topographic data (cf. plot_2d(), plot_3d()) or for further analysis such as coordinate based altitude retrievals (get_altitude()), change of the grid resolution (cf. increase_grid_resolution()) or for customised analysis by directly using the numpy data array containing the topographic altitudes (data), together with the corresponding dimension coordinates which can be accessed via attributes latitude`and :attr:`longitude.

To create an instance of this class, you may use the class TopoDataAccess.


This object does not provide topography data access. For data access, please use TopoDataAccess which returns TopoData objects. This object is intended for storage and post processing of topographic data

  • lats (ndarray) – numpy array with latitude coordinates of the topographic dataset. Accessible via latitude.

  • lons (ndarray) – numpy array with longitude coordinates of the topographic dataset. Accessible via longitude.

  • data (ndarray) – 2D numpy array containing elevation values, first index denotes latitude dimension, 2nd index denotes longitude dimension.

  • data_id (str) – ID of this data set.

  • repl_nan_minval (bool) – if True, then coordinates containing NaN values are replaced with the minimum altitude in data.

property latitude

Wrapper for lats

property longitude

Wrapper for lons

property dims

List of dimension names




Replace NaNs in topographic data with a fill value


fillval (float) – value that is assigned to all coordinates that include NaNs

property lon0

Returns first longitude (i.e. self.lons[0])

property lat0

Returns first latitude (i.e. self.lats[0])

property lon1

Returns last longitude (i.e. self.lons[-1])

property lat1

Returns last latitude (i.e. self.lats[-1])

property max

Returns maximum altitude of topo data

property min

Returns minimum altitude of topo data

property shape

Shape of 2D numpy array that contains topography

property alt_range

Returns covered altitude range

property resolution

Returns tuple (lat, lon) of the current grid resolution in km


The resolution is determined at the center of this grid


Mean elevation (ignores NaNs in data)


Standard deviation of topographic dataset

increase_grid_resolution(res=0.2, polyorder=2)[source]

Gaussian pyramide based upscaling of topographic grid

This function checks the current topographic resolution in the center of the grid. Based on this, an upsacling factor is determined and the cv2.pyrUp() is used to increase the resolution using interpolation. Note, that this does not increase the actual resolution of the topographic data grid.


Requires that opencv library is installed.

  • res (int or float, optional) – desired grid resolution in km (default: 0.2)

  • polyorder (int, optional) – order of polynomial used for interpolation (default: 2)


new object with desired grid resolution

Return type:



ImportError – if opencv is not installed.

property delta_lon

Longitude range of data (in decimal degrees)

property delta_lat

Latitude range of data (in decimal degrees)

property center_coordinates

Tuple (lat, lon) with center coordinates of data


Init X,Y meshgrid from latitudes and longitudes for map plots



Return type:


plot(plot3d=True, draw_coastlines=False, draw_mapscale=False, **kwargs)[source]

Plot 2D basemap of topodata


Creates 3D surface plot of data


ax – instance of matplotlib Axes3D object


plotted map object.

Return type:


includes_coordinate(lat=None, lon=None)[source]

Checks if input coordinates are covered by this dataset

closest_index(lat, lon)[source]

Finds the closest index to input coordinate

  • lat (float) – latitude coordinate in decimal degrees

  • lon (float) – longitude coordinate in decimal degrees


2-element tuple containing the closest index of lat and lon arrays to input index

Return type:



ValueError – if input coordinate is not included in this dataset

get_altitude(lat, lon)[source]

Get altitude value at input coordinate

  • lat (int or float) – latitude of coordinate

  • lon (int or float) – longitude of coordinate


altitude at input coordinate

Return type:


Low-level access and template classes

class geonum.topoaccessbase.TopoAccessBase[source]

Abstract base class for topgraphy file implementations

Defines minimum interface for derived access classes of different topographic datasets.

abstract get_data(lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None)[source]

Declaration of data access method

It is obligatory to implement this method into derived classes.

  • lat0 (float) – first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lon0 (float) – first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lat1 (int or float, optional) – second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.

  • lon1 (int or float, optional) – second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.


instance of TopoData class

Return type:



Check if topography data can be accessed

class geonum.topoaccessbase.Etopo1Access(local_path=None, file_name=None, check_access=False, search_database=True)[source]

A class representing netCDF4 data access of Etopo1 data

See here for instructions on the data access.


data loader (netCDF4.Dataset)

  • local_path (str) – directory where Etopo1 data files are stored

  • file_name (str) – file name of etopo data file

  • check_access (bool) – if True, then access to topography data is checked on init and an error is raised if no dataset can be accessed

  • search_database (bool) – if True and topodata file file_path does not exist, then a valid topography file is searched in all paths that are specified in file ~/.geonum/LOCAL_TOPO_PATHS.


TopoAccessError – if input arg check_access is True and if no supported data file can be found

topo_id = 'etopo1'

ID of dataset

supported_topo_files = ['ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd', 'ETOPO1_Bed_g_gmt4.grd']

filenames of supported topographic datasets in preferred order

property local_path

Directory containing ETOPO1 gridded data files

property file_name

File name of topographic dataset used

property file_path

Return full file path of current topography file


Checks if a valid topo file can be found in database

get_data(lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None)[source]

Retrieve data from topography file

  • lat0 (float) – first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lon0 (float) – first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lat1 (int or float, optional) – second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.

  • lon1 (int or float, optional) – second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.


instance of TopoData class

Return type:


class geonum.topoaccessbase.SRTMAccess(check_access=False, **kwargs)[source]

Class for SRTM topographic data access

Uses library srtm.py for online access of data.


srtm.py downloads the topo data from this source and stores a copy of the unzipped data files in the current cache directory found in home.

Whenever data access is requested, the srtm.py checks if the file already exists on the local machine and if not downloads it online. The online access is rather slow, so do not be surprised, if things take a while when accessing a specific location for the first time.

Deleting cached SRTM files:

use geonum.topoaccess.delete_all_local_srtm_files()

  • check_access (bool) – check if data can be accessed on class initialisation

  • **kwargs – additional keyword arguments that are passed through (irrelevant for this class but relevant for factory loader class TopoDataAccess, particularly set_mode() therein.

get_data(lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None)[source]

Load SRTM topographic subset for input range

  • lat0 (float) – first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lon0 (float) – first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord)

  • lat1 (int or float, optional) – second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.

  • lon1 (int or float, optional) – second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted.


instance of TopoData class

Return type:


Atmospheric calculations

geonum.atmosphere.p0 = 101325.0

Pressure at sea level, Unit [Pa]

geonum.atmosphere.NA = 6.022140857e+23

Avogadro constant, Unit [mol-1]

geonum.atmosphere.T0_STD = 288.15

Standard sea level temperature, Unit [K]

geonum.atmosphere.M_AIR_AVG = 28.9645

Average molar mass of air, Unit [g mol-1]

geonum.atmosphere.R_STD = 8.31432

Gas constant (U.S. standard atmosphere), Unit [Nm mol-1 K-1]

geonum.atmosphere.L_STD_ATM = -0.0065

Atmospheric lapse rate (Standard atmosphere), Unit [K m-1]

geonum.atmosphere.L_DRY_AIR = -0.0098

Atmospheric lapse rate (dry atmosphere), Unit [K m-1]

geonum.atmosphere.g(lat=45.0, alt=0.0)[source]

Gravitational accelaration as function of latitude and altitude

From Bodhaine et al., 1999, On Rayleigh Optical Depth Calculations who have it from List et al. 1968.

  • lat (float or np.ndarray) – latitude(s) in degrees

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m


Value(s) of Earth gravitational accelaration at sea level for input latitude(s) and altitude(s). If both inputs are arrays, then a 2D array is returned with the first axis (index 0) corresponding to altitudes and second axis to latitude

Return type:

float or np.ndarray


>>> import geonum
>>> import numpy as np
>>> lats = np.linspace(0, 90, 200)
>>> alts = np.linspace(0, 1000, 100)
>>> dat = geonum.atmosphere.g(lats, alts)
>>> dat.shape
(100, 200)

Gravitational accelaration at sealevel as function of latitude

See also g() for details

  • lat (float or np.ndarray) – latitude(s) in degrees

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m


Value(s) of Earth gravitational accelaration at sea level for input latitude(s) and altitude(s). If both inputs are arrays, then a 2D array is returned with the first axis (index 0) corresponding to altitudes and second axis to latitude

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.temperature(alt=0.0, ref_temp=288.15, ref_alt=0.0, lapse_rate=-0.0065)[source]

Get temperature for a certain altitude (or altitude array)


T = T_{ref} + L \cdot (h-h_{ref}) \quad [K]


  • $T_{ref}$ is a reference temperature

  • $L$ is the atmospheric lapse-rate

  • $h$ is the altitude in m

  • $h_{ref}$ is a reference altitude

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • ref_temp (float, optional) – reference temperature in K (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_alt (float, optional) – altitude corresponding to reference temperature (in m)

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate (in K m-1)


Temperature(s) in K corresponding to altitudes

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.beta_exp(mol_mass=28.9645, lapse_rate=-0.0065, lat=45.0)[source]

Exponent for conversion of atmosperic temperatures and pressures

Based on barometric height formula (see e.g. wikipedia) for details.


\beta\,=\,\frac{g_0 M_{air}}{R L}


  • $g_{0}$ is the gravitational constant at sea level

  • $M_{Air}$ is the molar mass of air (defaults to standard atm)

  • $R$ is the gas constant (R_STD)

  • $L$ is the atmospheric lapse-rate (cf. L_STD_ATM, L_DRY_AIR)

  • mol_mass (float, optional) – molar mass of air M

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate L (in K m-1)

  • lat (float, optional) – latitude for calculation of gravitational constant


Beta Exponent for formula

Return type:


geonum.atmosphere.pressure(alt=0.0, ref_p=101325.0, ref_temp=288.15, ref_alt=0.0, lapse_rate=-0.0065, mol_mass=28.9645, lat=45.0)[source]

Get atmospheric pressure in units of Pascal


p = p_{ref} \left[ \frac{T_{ref}}{T_{ref} + L_{ref} (h-h_{ref})} \right] ^\beta


  • $\beta$ is computed using beta_exp()

  • $p_{ref}$ is a reference pressure

  • $T$ is the temperature (cf. temperature())

  • $T_{ref}$ is a reference temperature

  • $L_{ref}$ is the atmospheric lapse-rate

  • $h$ is the altitude in m

  • $h_{ref}$ is a reference altitude

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • ref_p (float, optional) – reference pressure (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_temp (float, optional) – reference temperature in K corresponding to ref_p (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_alt (float, optional) – altitude corresponding to ref_p

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate (in K m-1)

  • mol_mass (float, optional) – molar mass of air (in g mol-1)

  • lat (float, optional) – latitude in decimal degrees for calculation of gravitational constant


pressure(s) corresponding to input altitude(s)

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.pressure_hPa(alt=0.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Calls pressure() using provided input and returns in unit of hPa

Defaults to standard atmosphere. This can be changed using further input parameters, for details see pressure().

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • *args – non-keyword args parsed to pressure()

  • **kwargs – keyword args parsed to pressure()


pressure(s) in units of hPa corresponding to input altitude(s)

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.pressure2altitude(p, ref_p=101325.0, ref_temp=288.15, ref_alt=0.0, lapse_rate=-0.0065, mol_mass=28.9645, lat=45.0)[source]

General formula to convert atm. pressure to altitude


h = h_{ref} + \frac{T_{ref}}{L} \left(\exp\left[-\frac{\ln\left(\frac{p}{p_{ref}} \right)}{\beta}\right] - 1\right) \quad [m]


  • $h_{ref}$ is a reference altitude

  • $T_{ref}$ is a reference temperature

  • $L$ is the atmospheric lapse-rate

  • $p$ is the pressure (cf. pressure())

  • $p_{ref}$ is a reference pressure

  • $\beta$ is computed using beta_exp()

  • p (float) – pressure in Pa

  • ref_p (float, optional) – reference pressure (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_temp (float, optional) – reference temperature in K corresponding to ref_p (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_alt (float, optional) – altitude corresponding to ref_p

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate (in K / m)

  • mol_mass (float, optional) – molar mass of air

  • lat (float, optional) – latitude for calculation of gravitational constant


altitude corresponding to pressure level in defined atmosphere

Return type:



>>> import geonum.atmosphere as atm
>>> p = atm.pressure(2000) # pressure at 2000 m standard atm
>>> int(atm.pressure2altitude(p))
geonum.atmosphere.air_density(alt=0.0, temp=None, ref_p=101325.0, ref_temp=288.15, ref_alt=0.0, lapse_rate=-0.0065, mol_mass=28.9645, lat=45.0)[source]

Get atmospheric density in units of $g\,m^-3$


\rho = p \cdot \frac{M_{Air}} {RT} \quad \left[ \frac{g}{m^-3} \right]


  • $p$ is the atm. pressure (cf. pressure())

  • $M_{Air}$ is the molar mass of air (defaults to standard atm)

  • $R$ is the gas constant (R_STD)

  • $T$ is the temperature (cf. temperature())

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • temp (float, optional) – temperature in K, if None, temperature() is used to compute temperature.

  • ref_p (float, optional) – reference pressure (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_temp (float, optional) – reference temperature in K corresponding to ref_p (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_alt (float, optional) – altitude corresponding to ref_p

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate (in K / m)

  • mol_mass (float, optional) – molar mass of air

  • lat (float, optional) – latitude for calculation of gravitational constant


density corresponding to input altitude (in g m-3)

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.air_number_density(alt=0.0, temp=None, ref_p=101325.0, ref_temp=288.15, ref_alt=0.0, lapse_rate=-0.0065, mol_mass=28.9645, lat=45.0)[source]

Get atmospheric number density in m-3

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • temp (float, optional) – temperature in K, if None, temperature() is used to compute temperature.

  • ref_p (float, optional) – reference pressure (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_temp (float, optional) – reference temperature in K corresponding to ref_p (default is std atm sea level)

  • ref_alt (float, optional) – altitude corresponding to ref_p

  • lapse_rate (float, optional) – atmospheric lapse rate (in K m-1)

  • mol_mass (float, optional) – molar mass of air

  • lat (float, optional) – latitude for calculation of gravitational constant


number density of air in #particles m-3 corresponding to altitude

Return type:

float or np.ndarray


Get refractive index of air using eq. of Peck and Reeder, 1972

Uses either of two parametrisations for wavelengths above or below 0.23 microns using parametrisations from Peck and Reeder, 1972, Dispersion of air.


lbda_mu (float or np.ndarray) – wavelength in microns


refractive index

Return type:


geonum.atmosphere.refr_idx(lbda_mu=0.3, co2_ppm=400.0)[source]

Calculate refr. index of atm for varying CO2 amount

Uses either of two parametrisations for wavelengths above or below 0.23 microns from Peck and Reeder, 1972, Dispersion of air to retrieve the refractive index for CO2 concentrations at 300ppm and the parametrisation for varying CO2 amounts from Bodhaine et al., 1999, On Rayleigh Optical Depth Calculations.

  • lbda_mu (float or np.ndarray) – wavelength in micrometers

  • co2_ppm (float) – atmospheric CO2 volume mixing ratio in ppm


refractive index

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.F_AIR(lbda_mu=0.3, co2_ppm=400.0)[source]

Depolarisation factor of air for Rayleigh scattering cross section

Taken from Bodhaine et al., 1999, On Rayleigh Optical Depth Calculations

  • lbda_mu (float or np.ndarray) – wavelength in micrometers

  • co2_ppm (float) – atmospheric CO2 volume mixing ratio in ppm


depolarisation factor of O2

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

geonum.atmosphere.sigma_rayleigh(lbda_mu=0.3, co2_ppm=400.0)[source]

Rayleigh scattering cross section

  • lbda_mu (float) – wavelength in micrometers

  • co2_ppm (float) – atmospheric CO2 volume mixing ratio in ppm


value of Rayleigh scattering cross section in cm2

Return type:


geonum.atmosphere.rayleigh_vol_sc_coeff(alt=0.0, lbda_mu=0.3, co2_ppm=400.0, **kwargs)[source]

Rayleigh volume scattering coefficient \beta(z,\lambda)

  • alt (float or np.ndarray) – altitude(s) in m

  • lbda_mu (float) – wavelength in micrometers

  • co2_ppm (float) – atmospheric CO2 volume mixing ratio in ppm


vol. scattering coeff. in cm-1 corresponding to altitudes

Return type:

float or np.ndarray

Helper methods


Get exponent precision of input number

E.g. 1 if input number is 14.2, 0 if input number is 3 or -1 if input number is 0.1.


The order of magnitude here is calculated using floor(log10(num)), thus, num=9, would result in a value of 0, in contrary to other definitions ( e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_magnitude).


num (float) – input number


order of magnitude of input number

Return type:



Returns a list of all directories that are searched for topography data


list containing all search directories (absolute paths)

Return type:



Check if input directory is registered and if not, register it


local_dir (str) – directory that is supposed to be checked


Checks if input is number (int or float) or and not nan


val – input object to be checked


whether or not input object val is of numerical type

Return type:


geonum.helpers.rotate_xtick_labels(ax, deg=30, ha='right')[source]

Rotate xtick labels in matplotlib axes object

geonum.helpers.haversine_formula(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, radius=None)[source]

Haversine formula to compute distances on a sphere

Approximate horizontal distance between 2 points assuming a spherical earth.

  • lon0 (float) – longitude of first point in decimal degrees

  • lat0 (float) – latitude of first point in decimal degrees

  • lon1 (float) – longitude of second point in decimal degrees

  • lat1 (float) – latitude of second point in decimal degrees

  • radius (float) – average earth radius in km, defaults to 6371 km


distance of both points in km

Return type:


geonum.helpers.approximate_connection_vector(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, len_lat_km=111.2)[source]

Returns approximate connection vector between two points


Careful: Only approximate, suited for small distances ( < 100km)

  • lon0 (float) – longitude of first point in decimal degrees

  • lat0 (float) – latitude of first point in decimal degrees

  • lon1 (float) – longitude of second point in decimal degrees

  • lat1 (float) – latitude of second point in decimal degrees

  • len_lat_km (float) – approx. length of 1 degree latitude at the equator in km.


2-element array containing (dx, dy) components of connection vector

Return type:


geonum.helpers.shifted_color_map(vmin, vmax, cmap=None)[source]

Shift center of a diverging colormap to value 0


This method was found here (last access: 17/01/2017). Thanks to Paul H who provided it.

Function to offset the “center” of a colormap. Useful for data with a negative min and positive max and if you want the middle of the colormap’s dynamic range to be at zero level

  • vmin (float) – lower end of data value range

  • vmax (float) – upper end of data value range

  • cmap – matplotlib colormap to be shifted (if None, use “seismic”)


shifted colormap

Return type:


Utility functions


Get list of locally stored SRTM data files


list of file paths

Return type:



Delete all locally stored SRTM files


Helpers for plotting of maps etc


BETA stage, code might undergo revisions

geonum.plot_helpers.init_figure_with_geoaxes(projection=None, xlim=(-180, 180), ylim=(-90, 90))[source]

Initiate a matplotlib figure containing 1 cartopy GeoAxes instance

Can be used to plot maps.

  • projection (cartopy.crs.CRS, optional) – Projection used, if None, then cartopy.crs.PlateCarree is used. Defaults to None.

  • xlim (tuple, optional) – longitude range of map, defaults to whole globe (-180,180).

  • ylim (tuple, optional) – latitude range of map, defaults to whole globe (-90,90).

Return type:


geonum.plot_helpers.set_map_ticks(ax, xticks=None, yticks=None, tick_format=None)[source]

Set or update ticks in instance of GeoAxes object (cartopy)


The input GeoAxes must be setup with cartopy.crs.PlateCarree projection.

  • ax (cartopy.GeoAxes) – map axes instance (needs to be set up with PlateCarree projection).

  • xticks (iterable, optional) – ticks of x-axis (longitudes). If None, it is retrieved automatically based on xlim of input axes. Defaults to None.

  • yticks (iterable, optional) – ticks of y-axis (latitudes). If None (or if xticks is None), it is retrieved automatically based on ylim of input axes. Defaults to None.

  • tick_formatter (str, optional) – string formatter for axes labels in the plot.


modified axes instance

Return type:


geonum.plot_helpers.plot_topo_contourf(ax, topo, oceans_separate=True, levels=50, cmap=None)[source]
geonum.plot_helpers.plot_geopoint_into_map(ax, p, annotate=True, annot_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]
geonum.plot_helpers.plot_geovector3d_into_map(ax, vec, **kwargs)[source]

DEPRECATED: mapping.py


The former map plotting routines routines (geonum.mapping) are deprecated as they are based on the basemap library. They will be revised and replaced in parts using cartopy. For details see: https://github.com/jgliss/geonum/issues/4

Custom exceptions

exception geonum.exceptions.InvalidTopoMode[source]
exception geonum.exceptions.IntersectNotFound[source]
exception geonum.exceptions.OutOfDomain[source]
exception geonum.exceptions.SRTMNotCoveredError[source]
exception geonum.exceptions.TopoAccessError[source]