
You can install geonum via conda, pip or from source.

Via conda

The easiest way to install geonum and all requirements is via the conda package manager. You can install geonum into a pre-existing conda environment via:

conda install -c conda-forge geonum

Or into a new conda environment (recommended) named geonum via:

conda create -c conda-forge --name geonum geonum

This will install the latest release of geonum including all requirements. Alternatively, you may install via pip or from source as described in the following.

Via pip

This will install the latest released version of geonum.


This is the same pacakge as distributed via conda-forge (see prev. Sect. Via conda)

pip install geonum

Install from source (into a conda environment)

Please make sure to install all requirements (see Section Dependencies) before installing geonum from source.

To install geonum from source, please download and extract the latest release or clone the repo) and install from the project root directory (that contains a file using:

pip install --no-deps .

The –no-deps option will ensure that only the pyearocom package is installed, preserving the conda environment.

Alternatively, if you plan to apply local changes to the geonum source code, you may install in editable mode (i.e. setuptools “develop mode”):

pip install --no-deps -e .[test]

You may also download and extract (or clone) the GitHub repo to install the very latest (not yet released) version of geonum. Note, if you install in editable mode, make sure you do not have geonum installed already in the site packages directory, check e.g. conda list geonum.


The list of required libraries is provided via the file geonum_env.yml, located in the project root directory:

name: geonum
  - conda-forge
  - python>=3.8
  - scipy>=1.6.0
  - matplotlib>=3.3.0
  - cartopy>=0.18.0
  - latlon23

Install dependencies using conda

If you want to install all requirements into a new conda environment, you can call (from project root):

conda env create -n geonum -f geonum_env.yml

This will create a new conda environment called geonum which can be activated using:

conda activate geonum

Alternatively, you can update an existing environment. First, activate the existing environment, and then install the dependencies using:

conda env update -f=geonum_env.yml