Upcoming changes

An ever changing topic - Please take a look at the current milestones for new features, bug fixes, etc that are in the pipeline.

As this project is developed privately, things may take a while and we encourage interested users to contribute to geonum.


We appreciate very much any contribution from users or developers to geonum.

There are many ways to contribute to open source software, here are some examples:

  • I am a happy user of geonum: Tell others or us.

  • I found a bug: Create an issue.

  • I have a good idea for a new feature: Tell us, by creating an issue.

  • I want to contribute to the code by, e.g.:

    • Improving the documentation.

    • Fixing a bug.

    • Implementing a new feature.

    • Adding an example or tutorial.

    Fork the GitHub repo, make your changes and create a pull request from your fork.