Source code for geonum.plot_helpers

Helpers for plotting of maps etc

.. note::

    BETA stage, code might undergo revisions

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy import crs
from cartopy.mpl.ticker import LongitudeFormatter, LatitudeFormatter

from geonum.helpers import order_of_magnitude

[docs] def init_figure_with_geoaxes(projection=None, xlim=(-180,180), ylim=(-90, 90)): """ Initiate a matplotlib figure containing 1 cartopy GeoAxes instance Can be used to plot maps. Parameters ---------- projection :, optional Projection used, if None, then :class:`` is used. Defaults to None. xlim : tuple, optional longitude range of map, defaults to whole globe (-180,180). ylim : tuple, optional latitude range of map, defaults to whole globe (-90,90). Returns ------- cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes """ if projection is None: projection = crs.PlateCarree() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=projection) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) return ax
def _get_tick_formatter(value): """ Get tick formatting string for map plots Parameters ---------- value : float value used to estimate formatter (e.g. one of the longitude coordinates). Returns ------- str formatting string """ digits = 2 - order_of_magnitude(value) digits = 0 if digits < 0 else digits return f'.{digits:d}f' def _calculate_map_ticks(ax): """ Calculate longitude (x) and latitude (y) ticks for map plots. Parameters ---------- ax : cartopy.mpl.geoaxes.GeoAxes map axes instances. Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing x and y ticks """ lonleft, lonright = ax.get_xlim() num_lonticks = 7 if lonleft == -lonright else 6 xticks = np.linspace(lonleft, lonright, num_lonticks) latleft, latright = ax.get_ylim() num_latticks = 7 if latleft == - latright else 6 yticks = np.linspace(latleft, latright, num_latticks) return (xticks, yticks)
[docs] def set_map_ticks(ax, xticks=None, yticks=None, tick_format=None): """Set or update ticks in instance of GeoAxes object (cartopy) Note ---- The input GeoAxes must be setup with :class:`` projection. Parameters ---------- ax : cartopy.GeoAxes map axes instance (needs to be set up with PlateCarree projection). xticks : iterable, optional ticks of x-axis (longitudes). If None, it is retrieved automatically based on xlim of input axes. Defaults to None. yticks : iterable, optional ticks of y-axis (latitudes). If None (or if xticks is None), it is retrieved automatically based on ylim of input axes. Defaults to None. tick_formatter : str, optional string formatter for axes labels in the plot. Returns ------- cartopy.GeoAxes modified axes instance """ if not isinstance(ax.projection, crs.PlateCarree): raise AttributeError('Map ticks can only be added to GeoAxes with ' 'PlateCarree projection.') if xticks is None: xticks, yticks = _calculate_map_ticks(ax) if tick_format is None: val = np.mean(xticks) if val == 0: val = xticks[next((i for i, x in enumerate(xticks) if x), None)] if val != 0: tick_format = _get_tick_formatter(val) else: tick_format = '.1f' ax.set_xticks(xticks, crs=crs.PlateCarree()) ax.set_yticks(yticks, crs=crs.PlateCarree()) lon_formatter = LongitudeFormatter(number_format=tick_format, degree_symbol='°', dateline_direction_label=True) lat_formatter = LatitudeFormatter(number_format=tick_format, degree_symbol='°') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(lon_formatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(lat_formatter) return ax
def _infer_text_location(ax,p): info = dict(ha='center') left,right = ax.get_xlim() dx = right - left bottom,top = ax.get_ylim() dy = top - bottom lat, lon = p.latitude, p.longitude distleft = abs(left - lon) / dx if distleft < 0.3: info['ha'] = 'left' elif distleft > 0.7: info['ha'] = 'right' yoffs = dy*0.08 # put text 5% of range above or below the points latitude distbottom = abs(bottom - lat) / dx if distbottom > 0.6: # point is in upper 40% of map, put text below yoffs *= -1 info['xytext'] = (lon, lat+yoffs) return info
[docs] def plot_topo_contourf(ax, topo, oceans_separate=True, levels=50, cmap=None): if cmap is None: cmap = 'Oranges' # Create meshgrid for domain for contour plot X,Y = topo.init_mesh() # Separate land areas from sea areas for plotting below if oceans_separate: seamask =, 0) data =, mask=seamask.mask) if np.any(seamask): seadata =, mask=~seamask.mask) # Plot sea in a light blue ax.contourf(X, Y, seadata, 50, colors='#e6f7ff') else: data = # Plot topographic land data pdata = ax.contourf(X, Y, data, levels=levels, cmap=cmap) return ax, pdata
[docs] def plot_geopoint_into_map(ax, p, annotate=True, annot_kwargs=None, **kwargs): if annot_kwargs is None: annot_kwargs = {} ax.scatter(x=[p.longitude],y=[p.latitude], **kwargs) if annotate: annot_loc = _infer_text_location(ax,p) try: c = kwargs['color'] except KeyError: c = 'k' annot = dict( text =, xy = (p.longitude, p.latitude), # location of observatory in plot arrowprops = dict(color=c, lw=1, arrowstyle='->', shrinkB=4), size=7, color=c, fontweight='bold', **annot_loc ) annot.update(annot_kwargs) ax.annotate(**annot) return ax
[docs] def plot_geovector3d_into_map(ax, vec, **kwargs): if vec.anchor is None: raise AttributeError( f'input vector {vec} does not have an anchor point assigned. ' f'Please set anchor location using vec.add_anchor') start = vec.anchor end = start + vec ax.plot([start.longitude, end.longitude], [start.latitude, end.latitude], **kwargs) return ax