Source code for geonum.topoaccessbase

# Geonum is a Python library for geographical calculations in 3D
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import abc
import os
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import srtm

from geonum.exceptions import (TopoAccessError, SRTMNotCoveredError)

[docs] class TopoAccessBase(abc.ABC): """Abstract base class for topgraphy file implementations Defines minimum interface for derived access classes of different topographic datasets. """ #: A coordinate for which data should be available _TESTLAT = 45 _TESTLON = 15
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_data(self, lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None): """Declaration of data access method It is obligatory to implement this method into derived classes. Parameters ---------- lat0 : float first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lon0 : float first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lat1 : int or float, optional second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. lon1 : int or float, optional second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. Returns ------- TopoData instance of TopoData class """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def check_access(self): """Check if topography data can be accessed""" try: self.get_data(self._TESTLAT, self._TESTLON) return True except Exception as e: print('Could not access topodata: {}'.format(repr(e))) return False
def _prep_borders(self, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1): """Sort by longitudes and determines LL and TR coordinates Parameters ---------- lat0 : float first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lon0 : float first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lat1 : float second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord) lon1 : float second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord) Returns ------- tuple 4-element tuple, containing: - float, smallest latitude (LL corner) - float, smallest longitude (LL corner) - float, largest latitude (TR corner) - float, largest longitude (TR corner) """ lats, lons = np.asarray([lat0, lat1]), np.asarray([lon0, lon1]) return (np.nanmin(lats), np.nanmin(lons), np.nanmax(lats), np.nanmax(lons)) def _init_lons_lats(self, lats_all, lons_all, lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None): """Get all latitudes and longitudes on a topodata grid Parameters ---------- lats_all : ndarray numpy array containing available latitudes of the accessed topo dataset lons_all : ndarray numpy array containing available longitudes of the accessed topo dataset lat0 : float first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lon0 : float first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lat1 : float, optional second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord) lon1 : float, optional second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord) Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple, containing - ndarray, topodata latitudes overlapping with input range - ndarray, topodata longitudes overlapping with input range """ if any([x is None for x in [lat1, lon1]]): lat1, lon1 = lat0, lon0 if lon0 > lon1: lon0, lon1 = lon1, lon0 if lat0 > lat1: lat0, lat1 = lat1, lat0 # closest indices idx_lons = [np.argmin(abs(lons_all - lon0)), np.argmin(abs(lons_all - lon1))] idx_lats = [np.argmin(abs(lats_all - lat0)), np.argmin(abs(lats_all - lat1))] # Make sure that the retrieved indices actually INCLUDE the input ranges if idx_lons[0] == 0 and lons_all[0] > lon0: warn("Error: Lon0 smaller than range covered by file, using first" " available index in topodata..") idx_lons[0] = 0 elif lons_all[idx_lons[0]] > lon0: idx_lons[0] -= 1 if idx_lons[1] == len(lons_all) - 1 and lons_all[-1] < lon1: warn("Error: Lon1 larger than range covered by file, using last" " available index in topodata..") idx_lons[1] = len(lons_all) - 1 elif lons_all[idx_lons[1]] < lon1: idx_lons[1] += 1 if idx_lats[0] == 0 and lats_all[0] > lat0: warn("Error: Lat0 smaller than range covered by file, using first" " available index in topodata..") idx_lats[0] = 0 elif lats_all[idx_lats[0]] > lat0: idx_lats[0] -= 1 if idx_lats[1] == len(lats_all) - 1 and lats_all[-1] < lat1: warn("Error: Lat1 larger than range covered by file, using last" " available index in topodata..") idx_lats[1] = len(lats_all) - 1 elif lats_all[idx_lats[1]] < lat1: idx_lats[1] += 1 return (lats_all[idx_lats[0]: idx_lats[1] + 1], lons_all[idx_lons[0]: idx_lons[1] + 1], idx_lats, idx_lons)
[docs] class Etopo1Access(TopoAccessBase): """A class representing netCDF4 data access of Etopo1 data See `here <>`_ for instructions on the data access. Attributes ---------- loader data loader (:class:`netCDF4.Dataset`) Parameters ---------- local_path : str directory where Etopo1 data files are stored file_name : str file name of etopo data file check_access : bool if True, then access to topography data is checked on init and an error is raised if no dataset can be accessed search_database : bool if True and topodata file :attr:`file_path` does not exist, then a valid topography file is searched in all paths that are specified in file `~/.geonum/LOCAL_TOPO_PATHS`. Raises ------ TopoAccessError if input arg `check_access` is True and if no supported data file can be found """ #: ID of dataset topo_id = "etopo1" #: filenames of supported topographic datasets in preferred order supported_topo_files = ["ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd", "ETOPO1_Bed_g_gmt4.grd"] def __init__(self, local_path=None, file_name=None, check_access=False, search_database=True): if file_name is None: file_name = "ETOPO1_Ice_g_gmt4.grd" if not NETCDF_AVAILABLE: # pragma: no cover raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Etopo1Access class cannot be initiated. " "Please install netCDF4 library first") if local_path is None: local_path = LOCAL_TOPO_DIR self._local_path = local_path self._file_name = file_name from netCDF4 import Dataset self.loader = Dataset if not os.path.exists(self.file_path) and search_database: self.search_topo_file_database() # check if file exists if check_access: if not os.path.exists(self.file_path): raise TopoAccessError('File {} could not be found in local ' 'topo directory: {}'.format( self.file_name, self.local_path)) elif not self.check_access(): raise TopoAccessError('Failed to extract topography data for ' 'Etopo dataset') @property def local_path(self): """Directory containing ETOPO1 gridded data files""" return self._local_path @local_path.setter def local_path(self, val): if not os.path.exists(val) or not os.path.isdir(val): raise ValueError(f'Input directory {val} does not exist or is not ' f'a directory...') self._check_topo_path(val) self._local_path = val @property def file_name(self): """File name of topographic dataset used""" return self._file_name @file_name.setter def file_name(self, val): if not val in self.supported_topo_files: raise ValueError( f'Invalid file name for Etopo1 dataset {val}. Valid filenames ' f'are: {self.supported_topo_files}') self._file_name = val @property def file_path(self): """Return full file path of current topography file""" return os.path.join(self.local_path, self.file_name) @file_path.setter def file_path(self, val): self.set_file_location(val) def _check_topo_path(self, path): """Check if path exists and if it is already included in database Parameters ---------- path : str path to be checked """ from geonum.helpers import check_and_add_topodir check_and_add_topodir(path) def _get_all_local_topo_paths(self): """Get all search paths for topography files""" from geonum.helpers import all_topodata_search_dirs return all_topodata_search_dirs() def _search_topo_file(self, path=None): """Checks if a valid etopo data file can be found in local folder Searches in ``self.local_path`` for any of the file names specified in ``supported_topo_files`` """ if path is None: path = self.local_path print(f'Searching valid topo file in folder: {path}') fnames = os.listdir(path) for name in fnames: if name in self.supported_topo_files: self.file_name = name self.local_path = path print(("Found match, setting current filepath: %s" % self.file_path)) return True return False def _find_supported_files(self): """Look for all supported files in ``self.local_path```and return list""" files = os.listdir(self.local_path) lst = [] for name in files: if name in self.supported_topo_files: lst.append(name) return lst
[docs] def search_topo_file_database(self): """Checks if a valid topo file can be found in database""" all_paths = self._get_all_local_topo_paths() for path in all_paths: if self._search_topo_file(path): return True return False
[docs] def get_data(self, lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None): """Retrieve data from topography file Parameters ---------- lat0 : float first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lon0 : float first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lat1 : int or float, optional second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. lon1 : int or float, optional second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. Returns ------- TopoData instance of TopoData class """ from geonum import TopoData etopo1 = self.loader(self.file_path) lons = etopo1.variables["x"][:] lats = etopo1.variables["y"][:] lats, lons, idx_lats, idx_lons = self._init_lons_lats(lats, lons, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) vals = np.asarray(etopo1.variables["z"][idx_lats[0]: idx_lats[1] + 1, idx_lons[0]: idx_lons[1] + 1], dtype=float) etopo1.close() return TopoData(lats, lons, vals, data_id=self.topo_id)
[docs] class SRTMAccess(TopoAccessBase): """Class for SRTM topographic data access Uses library ` <>`_ for online access of data. Note ---- :mod:`` downloads the topo data from `this source <http://>`_ and stores a copy of the unzipped data files in the current cache directory found in home. Whenever data access is requested, the :mod:`` checks if the file already exists on the local machine and if not downloads it online. The online access is rather slow, so do not be surprised, if things take a while when accessing a specific location for the first time. **Deleting cached SRTM files**: use :func:`geonum.topoaccess.delete_all_local_srtm_files` Parameters ---------- check_access : bool check if data can be accessed on class initialisation **kwargs additional keyword arguments that are passed through (irrelevant for this class but relevant for factory loader class :class:`TopoDataAccess`, particularly :func:`set_mode` therein. """ def __init__(self, check_access=False, **kwargs): """Class initialisation""" self.loader = srtm self.topo_id = "srtm" if check_access: self.check_access() def _coordinate_covered(self, access_obj, lat, lon): """Checks if SRTM data is available for input coordinate Parameters ---------- access_obj : GeoElevationData data access object from :mod:`` module (can be created calling ``srtm.get_data()``) lat : float latitude of point lon : float longitude of point Returns ------- bool True, if SRTM data is available for coordinate, else False. """ if access_obj.get_file_name(lat, lon) is None: return False return True
[docs] def get_data(self, lat0, lon0, lat1=None, lon1=None): """Load SRTM topographic subset for input range Parameters ---------- lat0 : float first latitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lon0 : float first longitude coordinate of topographic range (lower left coord) lat1 : int or float, optional second latitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. lon1 : int or float, optional second longitude coordinate of topographic range (upper right coord). If None only data around lon0, lat0 will be extracted. Returns ------- TopoData instance of TopoData class """ from geonum import TopoData print("Retrieving SRTM data (this might take a while) ... ") # create GeoElevationData object for data access dat = self.loader.get_data() # check if second input point is specified and set equal first point if # not if any([x is None for x in [lat1, lon1]]): lat1, lon1 = lat0, lon0 # Check if first point is covered by dataset if not self._coordinate_covered(dat, lat0, lon0): raise SRTMNotCoveredError('Point (lat={:.2f}, lon={:.2f}) not ' 'covered by SRTM'.format(lat0, lon0)) # check if second point is covered by dataset if not self._coordinate_covered(dat, lat1, lon1): raise SRTMNotCoveredError('Endpoint coordinate (lat={:.2f}, ' 'lon={:.2f}) not covered by SRTM' .format(lat1, lon1)) # prepare borders of covered lon / lat regime lat_ll, lon_ll, lat_tr, lon_tr = self._prep_borders(lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) # get SRTM file for lower left corner of regime f_ll = dat.get_file(lat_ll, lon_ll) # get SRTM file for top right corner of regime f_tr = dat.get_file(lat_tr, lon_tr) # create array of longitude values for regime lons_all = np.linspace(f_ll.longitude, f_tr.longitude + 1, f_ll.square_side) # create array of latitude values for regime lats_all = np.linspace(f_ll.latitude, f_tr.latitude + 1, f_ll.square_side) # prepare coordinates lats, lons, _, _ = self._init_lons_lats(lats_all, lons_all, lat0, lon0, lat1, lon1) # Init data array vals = np.ones((len(lats), len(lons))) * np.nan # loop over all coordinates and try access the elevation data for i in range(len(lats)): for j in range(len(lons)): vals[i, j] = dat.get_elevation(lats[i], lons[j]) return TopoData(lats, lons, vals, data_id=self.topo_id)