Source code for geonum.elevationprofile

# Geonum is a Python library for geographical calculations in 3D
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from geonum.exceptions import IntersectNotFound
from geonum.geopoint import GeoPoint
from geonum.lineongrid import LineOnGrid
from geonum.topodata import TopoData

[docs] class ElevationProfile(object): """Class for calculating elevation profiles This class can be used to compute elevation profiles for arbitrary locations on earth. This is done by using topographic data which is provided (instance of :class:`geonum.TopoData`). Profiles are computed with respect to input location (:attr:`observer`) and the azimuthal direction of the profile is specified via the provided endpoint location ( :attr:`endpoint`). The profile is calculated between the two :class:`GeoPoint` objects using a provided topographic data grid which must cover the range spanned by both points. Note ---- For class attributes see properties below. Parameters ---------- observer : GeoPoint start point of profile endpoint : GeoPoint end point of profile topo_data : TopoData topographic dataset calc_on_init : bool, optional if True, then the profile is calculated on class inialisation. Default is True. **kwargs additional keyword args passed to :func:`det_profile` (only relevant if `calc_on_init` is True) Example ------- >>> # define start and end location of profile >>> startpoint = GeoPoint(37.73122, 15.1129, name="Scientist") >>> endpoint = GeoPoint(37.751005, 14.993435, name="Etna Summit") >>> # Create profile retrieval engine >>> ep = ElevationProfile(observer=startpoint, endpoint=endpoint) >>> # Retrieve profile (uses default topographic data SRTM) >>> altitudes = ep.det_profile(interpolate=False) >>> # Print retrieved altitude levels along profile >>> print(altitudes) """ def __init__(self, observer, endpoint, topo_data=None, calc_on_init=True, **kwargs): self._topo_data = None self._observer = None self._endpoint = None self._check_set_observer(observer) self._check_set_endpoint(endpoint) if topo_data is not None: self.topo_data = topo_data self._init_attrs() if calc_on_init: self.det_profile(**kwargs) @property def observer(self) -> GeoPoint: """ Start coordinate of elevation profile """ return self._observer @observer.setter def observer(self, value): self._check_set_observer(value) self._init_attrs() @property def endpoint(self) -> GeoPoint: """ End coordinate of elevation profile """ return self._endpoint @endpoint.setter def endpoint(self, value): self._check_set_endpoint(value) self._init_attrs() @property def topo_data(self) -> TopoData: """ Topographic data used to extract elevation profile Note ---- Attempts automatic retrieval of topographic data if the data is not set. """ if self._topo_data is None: self._topo_data = self._get_topo() return self._topo_data @topo_data.setter def topo_data(self, value): self._check_set_topo_data(value) self._init_attrs() @property def line(self) -> LineOnGrid: """ Connection line between :attr:`observer` and :attr:`endpoint` Note ---- private attribute that cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes :attr:`observer`, :attr:`endpoint` and :attr:`topo_data`. """ if not isinstance(self._line, LineOnGrid): if self._coords_topo is None: self._set_latlon_indices_topogrid() self._line = LineOnGrid(**self._coords_topo) return self._line @property def observer_topogrid(self) -> GeoPoint: """ Location of endpoint on topogrid (depends on topo resolution) Note ---- Cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes :attr:`observer` and :attr:`topo_data`. """ if self._observer_topogrid is None: if self._coords_topo is None: self._set_latlon_indices_topogrid() self._observer_topogrid = GeoPoint( self.topo_data.lats[self._coords_topo['y0']], self.topo_data.lons[self._coords_topo['x0']], topo_data=self.topo_data) return self._observer_topogrid @property def endpoint_topogrid(self) -> GeoPoint: """ Location of endpoint on topogrid (depends on topo resolution) Note ---- Cannot be set by the user but is calculated automatically based on attributes :attr:`endpoint` and :attr:`topo_data`. """ if self._endpoint_topogrid is None: if self._coords_topo is None: self._set_latlon_indices_topogrid() self._endpoint_topogrid = GeoPoint( self.topo_data.lats[self._coords_topo['y1']], self.topo_data.lons[self._coords_topo['x1']], topo_data=self.topo_data) return self._endpoint_topogrid @property def dist_hor(self) -> float: """ Horizontal distance in km between start and endpoint """ return (self.endpoint_topogrid - self.observer_topogrid).dist_hor @property def azimuth(self) -> float: """ Azimuth angle of profile (wrt to North direction) """ return (self.endpoint_topogrid - self.observer_topogrid).azimuth @property def profile(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Retrieved altitude levels in m along :attr:`line` Raises ------ AttributeError if profile has not been calculated yet """ if self._profile is None: raise AttributeError( 'Profile information not available, call det_profile first') return self._profile @property def dists(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Distances from observer in km along :attr:`line` Raises ------ AttributeError if profile has not been calculated yet """ if self._dists is None: raise AttributeError( 'Distance information not available, call det_profile first') return self._dists @property def resolution(self) -> float: """Horizontal profile resolution (averaged from distance array) Note ---- Only works if profile was already determined """ return abs((self.dists[1:] - self.dists[:-1]).mean()) @property def gradient(self) -> np.ndarray: """Gradient of profile at each point """ return np.gradient(self.profile) @property def slope(self) -> np.ndarray: """Slope of profile at each point The slope is calculated for each profile point by dividing the associated altitude step by the corresponding horitontal step. """ return np.gradient(self.profile)/(np.gradient(self.dists)*1000) @property def min(self) -> float: """Minimum altitude in elevation profile""" return np.nanmin(self.profile) @property def max(self) -> float: """Maximum altitude in elevation profile""" return np.nanmax(self.profile) @property def alt_range(self) -> float: """Altitude range of profile""" return self.max - self.min def _get_topo(self) -> TopoData: """ Load topographic data between start and end point Returns ------- TopoData """ return[0]
[docs] def slope_angles(self, decimal_degrees=True): """ Get slope angles of profile (in each sample point) Parameters ---------- decimal_degrees : bool if True, angles are converted from radians to degrees Returns ------- np.ndarray slope angles at each profile point """ a = np.tan(self.slope) if decimal_degrees: a = np.rad2deg(a) return a
[docs] def slope_angle(self, dist): """ Get slope angle of profile at input distance from observer Parameters ---------- dist : float distance from observer in km for which slope is to be retrieved Returns ------- float retrieved slope at input distance. """ if not dist >= 0 or dist > np.nanmax(self.dists): raise ValueError('invalid input: dist must be positive') idx = np.argmin(abs(self.dists - dist)) return self.slope_angles()[idx]
[docs] def det_profile(self, interpolate=True, resolution=5.0, itp_type="linear", **mapping_opts): """ Determine the elevation profile Searches the closest tiles in the topo data grid for both observer and endpoint and based on these two points the elevation profile is extracted using a :class:`LineOnGrid` object (which extracts altitudes from the topo data along the connection vector of the 2 points using 2D spline intepolation) Parameters ---------- interpolate : bool if True, the profile is interpolated to a certain horizontal resolution resolution : float desired grid resolution in m for interpolation. Interpolation is performed if :attr:`interpolate` is True and if the actual resolution of the topo data is smaller than input, else, nothing is done itp_type : str interpolation type (e.g. "linear", "cubic") **mapping_opts additional keyword arguments that are passed to :func:`LineOnGrid.get_line_profile` Returns ------- np.ndarray the array containing the retrieved altitude levels along the retrieval direction (from the observer) """ line = self.line topo = self.topo_data altitudes = line.get_line_profile(, **mapping_opts) dists = np.linspace(0, self.dist_hor, line.length + 1) if interpolate: dists, altitudes = self._interp_helper(dists, altitudes, resolution, itp_type) self._dists = dists self._profile = altitudes return altitudes
def _interp_helper(self, dists, altitudes, resolution, itp_type): """ Helper to interpolate profile Parameters ---------- dists : np.ndarray Array with distances from observer altitudes : np.ndarray Array with retrieved altitudes at input distances resolution : int or float desired horizontal resolution in m itp_type : str interpolation type (passed to :func:`scipy.interpolate.interp1d`) Returns ------- np.ndarray interpolated distances from observer. np.ndarray interpolated altitude levels. """ res0 = (dists[1] - dists[0]) * 1000 fac = int(np.ceil(res0 / resolution)) if fac > 1: fz = interp1d(dists, altitudes, kind=itp_type) dists = np.linspace(0, self.dist_hor, self.line.length * fac) altitudes = fz(dists) else: print('No interpolation of elevation profile needed, data already ' 'has sufficient resolution') return dists, altitudes
[docs] def get_altitudes_view_dir(self, elev_angle, view_above_topo_m=0): """ Get vector containing altitudes for a viewing direction The viewing direction is specified by the azimuth angle of the connection vector between observer and endpoint, the elevation angle needs to be specified via the input parameters, and the start point (first elevation value) corresponds to the altitude at the observer position plus an offset in m which can be specified. Parameters ---------- elev_angle : float elevation angle of viewing direction view_above_topo_m : float altitude offset of start point in m, defaults to 0. Returns ------- np.ndarray vector with altitude values (same length as ``self.profile``) """ dh = 1000 * np.tan(np.radians(elev_angle))*self.dists result = dh+self.profile[0] + view_above_topo_m return result
[docs] def get_first_intersection(self, elev_angle,view_above_topo_m=1.5, min_dist=None,local_tolerance=3, max_diff=None, plot=False): """Finds first intersection of a viewing direction with topography Start point of the viewing vector is the observer position (or more accurately, the center position of the closest topography tile in the topography data set). The relative altitude of the start point with respect to the topography altitude at the observer position can be controlled on input (arg ``view_above_topo_m``) as well as the elevation angle of the viewing direction. The azimuth angle corresponds to the profile azimuth (i.e. azimuth between :attr:`observer` and :attr:`endpoint` of this profile). The signal analysed for finding the intersection is a vector containing relative elevation positions of the viewing direction with respect to the profile altitude:: diff_signal = self.get_altitudes_view_dir - self.profile The first intersection of the viewing direction with the topography is identified by the first zero crossing of this ``diff_signal``. Parameters ---------- elev_angle : float elevation angle of viewing direction (in decimal degrees) view_above_topo_m : float altitude offset in m relative to altitude of start point ( :attr:`observer`) in m. Defaults to 1.5 m. min_dist : float minimum distance (in km) of first considered intersection with topography from observer. If None, use 1% of distance between :attr:`observer` and :attr:`endpoint`. local_tolerance : int tolerance factor to estimate distance uncertainty based on topo grid resolution. Defaults to 3. max_diff : float, optional maximum allowed altitude difference in m between vector specifying viewing direction and the topography. Default to None, in which case the value assigned to :attr:`resolution` x 1000. plot : bool If true, the profile is plotted, including the intersection result. Returns ------- float retrieved horizontal distance of intersection point. float error of retrieved horizontal distance of intersection point. GeoPoint location of intersect np.ndarray elevations along viewing direction vector arising from input elevation and altitude offset as well as the azimuth of the profile Axes or None matplotlib axes instance if input arg `plot` is True, else None. """ if min_dist is None: min_dist = self.dist_hor*.01 if max_diff is None: max_diff = self.resolution * 1000 view_elevations = self.get_altitudes_view_dir(elev_angle, view_above_topo_m) # determine the difference signal diff_signal = view_elevations - self.profile # First condition: consider only points in certain distance from observer cond1 = self.dists > min_dist # Second condition: consider only "close to zero" points (this might be # redundant, I'll leave it for now because it works) cond2 = abs(diff_signal) < max_diff # create array with all distances matching the 2 conditions dists_0 = self.dists[cond1 * cond2] # relax condition 2 if nothing was found if len(dists_0) == 0: raise IntersectNotFound( 'could not establish initial array of candidate distances ' 'for retrieval of intersection point, you might succeed by ' 'setting or increasing the value of input parameter max_diff') try: # get all diff vals matching the 2 conditions diff_vals = diff_signal[cond1 * cond2] # get the index of the first zero crossing first_idx = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(diff_vals)))[0][0] # get distance and local tolerance value dist, tol = dists_0[first_idx], self.resolution * local_tolerance # make mask to access all distances within tolerance range cond4 = np.logical_and(dist - tol <= dists_0, dist + tol >= dists_0) # estimate distance error from standard deviation of all # distances within tolerance range dist_err = dists_0[cond4].std() # create geopoint corresponding to intersection intersect = self._observer_topogrid.offset(self.azimuth, dist) # set the altitude of this point (retrieved from profile) intersect.altitude = self.get_altitude_at_distance(dist) # / 1000. except IndexError: from traceback import format_exc raise IntersectNotFound( f'No intersections could be detected, traceback:\n' f'{format_exc()}') ax = None if plot: ax = self._plot_intersect_search_result(view_elevations, dist) ax.set_title("Azim: %.1f, Elev: %.1f, Intersect @ " "dist =%.1f km" %(self.azimuth, elev_angle, dist)) return dist, dist_err, intersect, view_elevations, ax
[docs] def find_horizon_elev(self, elev_start=0.0, elev_stop=60.0, step_deg=0.1, **kwargs): """Find first elevation angle which does not intersect with topo Scans towards zenith elevation within input elevation range in elevation steps provided via input arg `step_deg`, starting at `elev_start`. For each elevation, an attempt is made to find an intersection of the resulting viewing direction vector with the local topography using :func:`get_first_intersection`. The horizon elevation is identified as the first elevation angle for which no intersection can be found. Parameters ---------- elev_start : float start search elevation angle elev_stop : float stop search elevation angle step_deg : float angle step for search (coarser is faster) **kwargs: additional keyword agruments passed to :func:`get_first_intersection` Raises ------ IntersectNotFound if no intersection with topography can be found for input elevation range. Returns ------- float detected elevation angle of horizon list list of elevation angles for which intersections with topography could be identified. list corresponding horizontal distances of :attr:`observer` to the terrain features. """ elevs = np.arange(elev_start, elev_stop + step_deg, step_deg) elev_sects = [] dists_sects = [] prev_elev = None for elev in elevs: try: (dist, dist_err, intersect, view_elevations,_) = self.get_first_intersection(elev, plot=False, **kwargs) except IntersectNotFound: if prev_elev is None: raise IntersectNotFound( f'failed to determine elevation angle of horizon ' f'consider starting at a lower elevation than ' f'{elev_start}') else: return (elev, elev_sects, dists_sects) dists_sects.append(dist), elev_sects.append(elev) prev_elev = elev
[docs] def get_altitude_at_distance(self, dist): """Get altitude at a certain distance from observer Parameters ---------- dist : float horizontal distance from :attr:`observer` along profile Returns ------- float altitude at input distance. """ idx = np.argmin(abs(self.dists - dist)) return self.profile[idx]
[docs] def plot(self, ax=None, facecolor=None, alpha=0.20): """Plot the elevation profile Parameters ---------- ax : Axes, optional matplotlib axes object to be used for plot facecolor : str, optional color of profile, defaults to "#994d00" (light beige) alpha : float, optional opaqueness of profile, defaults to 0.20. Returns ------- Axes matplotlib axes instance used for plot """ if facecolor is None: facecolor = "#994d00" if ax is None: from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots fig, ax = subplots(1,1) dists = self.dists ax.fill_between(dists, self.profile, facecolor=facecolor, alpha=alpha) ax.set_xlabel("Distance [km]") ax.set_ylabel("Altitude [m]") ax.set_ylim([self.min - .1 * self.alt_range, self.max + .1 * self.alt_range]) ax.set_xlim([0, dists[-1]]) return ax
def __call__(self, dist): """Returns altitude at a certain distance Wrapper for :func:`get_altitude_at_distance` Parameters ---------- dist : float distance in km Returns ------- float altitude at input distance. """ return self.get_altitude_at_distance(dist) def _init_attrs(self): """ Initiate private attributes required in this class """ self._observer_topogrid = None self._endpoint_topogrid = None self._coords_topo = None self._line = None self._profile=None self._dists=None def _check_set_observer(self, value): """Setter helper for :attr:`observer` Parameters ---------- value : GeoPoint observer candidate Raises ------ ValueError if input is not instance of :class:`GeoPoint` """ if not isinstance(value, GeoPoint): raise ValueError('Need instance of geonum.GeoPoint') self._observer = value def _check_set_endpoint(self, value): """Setter helper for :attr:`endpoint` Parameters ---------- value : GeoPoint endpoint candidate Raises ------ ValueError if input is not instance of :class:`GeoPoint` """ if not isinstance(value, GeoPoint): raise ValueError('Need instance of geonum.GeoPoint') self._endpoint = value def _check_set_topo_data(self, value): """Setter helper for :attr:`topo_data` Parameters ---------- value : TopoData topo_data candidate Raises ------ ValueError if input is not instance of :class:`TopoData` """ if not isinstance(value, TopoData): raise ValueError('Need instance of geonum.TopoData') self._topo_data = value def _set_latlon_indices_topogrid(self): """Calculate and set indeices of start and stop point on topogrid""" topo = self.topo_data self._coords_topo = { 'x0' : np.argmin(abs(topo.lons -, 'y0' : np.argmin(abs(topo.lats -, 'x1' : np.argmin(abs(topo.lons - self.endpoint.lon.decimal_degree)), 'y1' : np.argmin(abs(topo.lats - } def _plot_intersect_search_result(self, view_elevations, dist=None): """ Plot result from intersection point search Parameters ---------- view_elevations : list-like elevation levels along line of sight dist : float, optional distance to intersect Returns ------- Axes matplotlib axes instance used for plotting """ ax = self.plot() ax.plot(self.dists, view_elevations, label = "Viewing direction") if dist is not None: ax.axvline(dist, ls = "--", label = "Intersection") ax.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.4) return ax