Source code for geonum.topodata

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Geonum is a Python library for geographical calculations in 3D
# Copyright (C) 2017 Jonas Gliss (
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License a
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
# the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
from geonum import CV2_AVAILABLE
from LatLon23 import LatLon

[docs] class TopoData(object): """Data class for topography data This object represents topographic data in a certain latitude and longitude range, specified by the corner coordinates of the range (:attr:`lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1`). It may be used for 2D and 3D plotting of the topographic data (cf. :func:`plot_2d`, :func:`plot_3d`) or for further analysis such as coordinate based altitude retrievals (:func:`get_altitude`), change of the grid resolution (cf. :func:`increase_grid_resolution`) or for customised analysis by directly using the numpy data array containing the topographic altitudes (:attr:`data`), together with the corresponding dimension coordinates which can be accessed via attributes :attr:`latitude`and :attr:`longitude`. To create an instance of this class, you may use the class :class:`TopoDataAccess`. Note ---- This object does not provide topography data access. For data access, please use :class:`TopoDataAccess` which returns :class:`TopoData` objects. This object is intended for storage and post processing of topographic data Parameters ---------- lats : ndarray numpy array with latitude coordinates of the topographic dataset. Accessible via :attr:`latitude`. lons : ndarray numpy array with longitude coordinates of the topographic dataset. Accessible via :attr:`longitude`. data : ndarray 2D numpy array containing elevation values, first index denotes latitude dimension, 2nd index denotes longitude dimension. data_id : str ID of this data set. repl_nan_minval : bool if True, then coordinates containing NaN values are replaced with the minimum altitude in `data`. """ def __init__(self, lats, lons, data, data_id=None, repl_nan_minval=False): if data_id is None: data_id = 'undefined' self.data_id = data_id lats = np.asarray(lats) lons = np.asarray(lons) data = np.asarray(data) if not data.shape == (len(lats), len(lons)): raise ValueError( 'shape mismatch between input lats and lons and data...' ) self.lats = lats self.lons = lons = data if repl_nan_minval: self.replace_nans() def __str__(self): return ( f'geonum.TopoData (data_id: {self.data_id})\n' f'Dimensions: {self.dims}, shape: {self.shape}\n' f'latitude range: {self.lat0} - {self.lat1}\n' f'longitude range: {self.lon0} - {self.lon1}\n' f'data: {type(}\n{}' ) def __repr__(self): return (f'geonum.TopoData (data_id: {self.data_id}, shape: {self.shape})\n') @property def latitude(self): """Wrapper for :attr:`lats`""" return self.lats @property def longitude(self): """Wrapper for :attr:`lons`""" return self.lons @property def dims(self): """ list: List of dimension names """ return ['latitude', 'longitude']
[docs] def replace_nans(self, fillval=None): """Replace NaNs in topographic data with a fill value Parameters ---------- fillval : float value that is assigned to all coordinates that include NaNs """ if fillval is None: fillval = np.nanmin([np.isnan(] = fillval
@property def lon0(self): """Returns first longitude (i.e. ``self.lons[0]``)""" return self.lons[0] @property def lat0(self): """Returns first latitude (i.e. ``self.lats[0]``)""" return self.lats[0] @property def lon1(self): """Returns last longitude (i.e. ``self.lons[-1]``)""" return self.lons[-1] @property def lat1(self): """Returns last latitude (i.e. ``self.lats[-1]``)""" return self.lats[-1] @property def max(self): """Returns maximum altitude of topo data""" return np.nanmax( @property def min(self): """Returns minimum altitude of topo data""" return np.nanmin( @property def shape(self): """Shape of 2D numpy array that contains topography""" return @property def alt_range(self): """Returns covered altitude range""" return self.max - self.min @property def resolution(self): """Returns tuple (lat, lon) of the current grid resolution in km Note ---- The resolution is determined at the center of this grid """ if not len(self.lons) > 1 or not len(self.lats) > 1: raise ValueError('Need at least 2x2 sized topofield') x_lon, x_lat = int(len(self.lons) / 2), int(len(self.lats) / 2) p0 = LatLon(self.lats[x_lat], self.lons[x_lon]) r_lon = (p0 - LatLon(self.lats[x_lat], self.lons[x_lon-1])).magnitude r_lat = (p0 - LatLon(self.lats[x_lat-1], self.lons[x_lon])).magnitude return (r_lat, r_lon)
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean elevation (ignores NaNs in data)""" return np.nanmean(
[docs] def std(self): """Standard deviation of topographic dataset""" return np.nanstd(
[docs] def increase_grid_resolution(self, res=0.2, polyorder=2): # pragma: no cover """Gaussian pyramide based upscaling of topographic grid This function checks the current topographic resolution in the center of the grid. Based on this, an upsacling factor is determined and the :func:`cv2.pyrUp` is used to increase the resolution using interpolation. Note, that this does not increase the actual resolution of the topographic data grid. Note ---- Requires that opencv library is installed. Parameters ---------- res : int or float, optional desired grid resolution in km (default: 0.2) polyorder : int, optional order of polynomial used for interpolation (default: 2) Returns ------- TopoData new object with desired grid resolution Raises ------ ImportError if opencv is not installed. """ if not CV2_AVAILABLE: raise ImportError('Feature disabled: Require opencv') from cv2 import pyrUp lons = self.lons lats = self.lats vals = if not all(np.mod(x, 2) == 0 for x in [len(lons), len(lats)]): print ("Fatal error, odd array size detected, no upscaling possible." " Return current data dict") return False c_lon = len(lons) / 2 - 1 #center longitude index c_lat = len(lats) / 2 - 1 #center latitude index p1 = LatLon(lats[c_lat], lons[c_lon]) p2 = LatLon(lats[c_lat + 1], lons[c_lon + 1]) dist = (p2 - p1).magnitude #distance between 2 points on grid res_fac = dist / res #factor for increasing the spatial resolution if res_fac <= 1: print("No interpolation of topodata necessary: topo raw data " "already has desired resolution...") return self fac = int(np.ceil(np.log2(res_fac))) #the corresponding up-factor for the scale space print(("Increasing spatial topography resolution by factor %s" %(2**fac))) for k in range(fac): vals = pyrUp(vals) p_lons = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(np.arange(len(lons)), lons, polyorder)) p_lats = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(np.arange(len(lats)), lats, polyorder)) lons_new = p_lons(np.linspace(0, len(lons) - 1, vals.shape[1])) lats_new = p_lats(np.linspace(0, len(lats) - 1, vals.shape[0])) return TopoData(lats_new, lons_new, vals, self.data_id + "_interp")
@property def delta_lon(self): """Longitude range of data (in decimal degrees)""" return self.lons[-1] - self.lons[0] @property def delta_lat(self): """Latitude range of data (in decimal degrees)""" return self.lats[-1] - self.lats[0] @property def center_coordinates(self): """Tuple (lat, lon) with center coordinates of data""" return (self.lats[0] + self.delta_lat / 2., self.lons[0] + self.delta_lon / 2.)
[docs] def init_mesh(self): """ Init X,Y meshgrid from latitudes and longitudes for map plots Returns ------- list meshgrid """ return np.meshgrid(self.longitude, self.latitude)
[docs] def plot(self, plot3d=True, draw_coastlines=False, draw_mapscale=False, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover from geonum.mapping import Map if not "projection" in kwargs: kwargs["projection"] = "lcc" if not "llcrnrlon" in kwargs: kwargs["llcrnrlat"] = self.lat0 kwargs["llcrnrlon"] = self.lon0 kwargs["urcrnrlat"] = self.lat1 kwargs["urcrnrlon"] = self.lon1 kwargs["lat_0"] = self.lat0 + (self.lat1-self.lat0)/2 kwargs["lon_0"] = self.lon0 + (self.lon1-self.lon0)/2 m = Map(**kwargs) m.set_topo_data(self) if plot3d: if draw_coastlines: raise NotImplementedError('3D plotting and coastline drawing is ' 'not supported yet') elif draw_mapscale: raise NotImplementedError('3D plotting and mapscale drawing is ' 'not supported yet') m.draw_topo_3d() else: if draw_coastlines: m.draw_coastlines() m.draw_coordinates() if draw_mapscale: m.draw_mapscale_auto() return m
[docs] def plot_2d(self, ax=None): # pragma: no cover """Plot 2D basemap of topodata""" from geonum.mapping import Map latc, lonc = self.center_coordinates m = Map(self.lon0, self.lat0, self.lon1, self.lat1, projection="merc", lat_0=latc, lon_0=lonc, ax=ax) m.set_topo_data(self) m.draw_topo(insert_colorbar=True) m.draw_topo_contour() m.draw_coordinates() m.drawcoastlines() return m
[docs] def plot_3d(self, ax=None): # pragma: no cover """Creates 3D surface plot of data Parameters ---------- ax instance of matplotlib Axes3D object Returns ------- geonum.mapping.Map plotted map object. """ from geonum.mapping import Map latc, lonc = self.center_coordinates m = Map(self.lon0, self.lat0, self.lon1, self.lat1, projection="merc", lat_0=latc, lon_0=lonc, ax=ax) m.set_topo_data(self) m.draw_topo_3d() return m
[docs] def includes_coordinate(self, lat=None, lon=None): """Checks if input coordinates are covered by this dataset""" if not (self.lat0 <= lat <= self.lat1 and self.lon0 <= lon <= self.lon1): print("Input coordinates out of topo data range...") return False return True
[docs] def closest_index(self, lat, lon): """Finds the closest index to input coordinate Parameters ---------- lat : float latitude coordinate in decimal degrees lon : float longitude coordinate in decimal degrees Returns ------- tuple 2-element tuple containing the closest index of lat and lon arrays to input index Raises ------ ValueError if input coordinate is not included in this dataset """ if not self.includes_coordinate(lat, lon): raise ValueError("Input values out of range...") idx_lat = np.argmin(abs(self.lats - lat)) idx_lon = np.argmin(abs(self.lons - lon)) return (idx_lat, idx_lon)
[docs] def get_altitude(self, lat, lon): """Get altitude value at input coordinate Parameters ---------- lat : int or float latitude of coordinate lon : int or float longitude of coordinate Returns ------- float altitude at input coordinate """ idx_lat, idx_lon = self.closest_index(lat, lon) return[idx_lat, idx_lon]
def __call__(self, lat, lon): """Get altitude value at input position""" try: return self.get_altitude(lat, lon) except ValueError as e: raise e